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28050: Do something with the highscore data
L28050 28050 POP HL
28051 PUSH HL
28052 LD BC,18
28055 ADD HL,BC
28056 LD BC,(28105)
28060 LD C,22
This entry point is used by the routine at COLOUR_HIGHSCORES.
28065 LD A,L
28066 AND 224
28068 LD L,A
28069 EX DE,HL
28070 LD HL,25248 Point HL at the address of the '?' character in the font data
28073 LD A,(28106)
28076 LD C,A
28077 LD B,0
28079 SLA C
28081 RL B
28083 SLA C
28085 RL B
28087 SLA C
28089 RL B
28091 ADD HL,BC
28092 LD B,8
L28050_0 28094 LD A,(HL)
28095 LD (DE),A
28096 INC D
28097 INC HL
28098 DJNZ L28050_0
28100 POP IX
28102 RET
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